
  • Job opportunity as Safety Test Engineer

    Support our Safety team as an Safety Test Engineer

  • SCS Accreditation

    Our calibration laboratory has just been recognised and listed by the SAS. We can now offer all calibrations at an accredited level.

  • New: CB certified laser testing

    CB scope extensions for laser devices

    We are pleased to announce that we have extended our CB-Scope to include the IEC 60825-1 standard for laser devices.

    CBTL scope

  • Various CB-Scope Extensions 2023

    We can now test the following standards in the categories EMC, MED and MEAS within the CB Scheme.

    • IEC 80601-2-78 medical robots for rehabilitation, assessment, compensation or alleviation
    • IEC 60601-1-8 Alarm systems in medical electrical equipment
    • IEC 60601-1-9 Requirements for environmentally conscious design
    • IEC 61010-2-040 requirements for sterilizers and washer-disinfectors used to treat medical materials
    • IEC 61000-6-8 Emission standard for professional equipment in commercial and light-industrial locations

    CBTL scope

  • EMC-Risik Assessment: The rarely tested immunity standards

  • STS Scope extension

    In addition to various new EMC, radio and product safety (MED, MEAS, IT) standards, we can now offer accredited photobiological safety, environmental simulation and energy consumption tests.

    STS scope (DE)
    STS scope (EN)

  • CB-Scope extension for photobiological safety

    Since the beginning of 2021 we are able to measure the photobiological safety of products with artificial light sources under the CB scheme.

  • CB-Scope extension for medical equipment

    Up on end of 2020 the EMC-Testcenter sucessfully extended its IECEE Scope. Along with this it also confirmed its status as an accreditated IECEE CBTL and held its previous scope.

    We are happy to have accomplished the listing to the new medical products (MED) category into our CB scope.

    Also we managed to add a lot of new standards to the already accredited categories EMC, MEAS, OFF and ITAV.

  • Swiss Radio and Television (SRF2) commercial separator

    Shooting of a scene for an SRF2 commercial in the EMC-Testcenter AG. It is the current commercial for SRF2 and has been broadcast since December 2020.

Are you interested?

Would you like to know more? Write us a message or call us, we're always glad to be of assistance.
